For example:
- The world is a diversity of races, ethnicities, colors, and felt patterns.
- Impulse control, particularly with respect to cookies, is overrated.
- Math is fun, particularly if it is punctuated with lightning.
- Corporate sponsorship is ubiquitous ("This episode was brought to you by the letter 'R', and the number '12.'")
However, I think two of the most important lessons are:
- Know the people in your neighborhood.
- Surround your personal experience with people from many ethnicities, socio-economic statuses, and ESPECIALLY professions.
How else can we barter favors or seek free advice?
Let me put it this way...if I know that if I have a legal problem, medical problem, security problem, or computer problem, I have people I can contact who will point me in the right direction, even if they can't directly help me.
That is the true lesson of Sesame Street.
I should add that Peter, Paul, and Mary's song "Don't Let the Light Go Out" is one of my favorite Chanukah songs. It's catchy, political, original, and it doesn't (to me) violate any of the 4 rules. Watch them sing it at